#Climate Emergency #Manchester bulletin 002

Every fortnight we will post a two page A4 bulletin with progress reports, calls for specific help and mea culpas when (not if, when) we screw things up.  Basically, the tl:dr is this – the campaign is going well so far, but we would love more people to be involved in collecting signatures, organising meetings, giving talks etc.  Doesn’t have to be a long or an open-ended commitment. Please get in touch via our contact form.  And if you live, work or study within Manchester City Council’s boundaries, please sign the petition (online or on paper) and then share with everyone. If you can’t sign, please sign with everyone you know who can.

Here’s a link to the pdf of the second bulletin.

Here (no idea if legible are the two pages as image files.

cem bulletin 002 p1

cem bulletin 002 p2