CEM produce periodic reports which you can find details of below
If you have an idea for a report that CEM could help to produce, or would like to get involved with other aspects of our work, you can get in touch with us via Twitter, or email.
April 2022
Manchester City Council: A guide for beginners v2.0 (updated)
March 2022
Briefing note to Economy Scrutiny Committee about Manchester Airport and its future economic role within the city
February 2022
Health and the Climate Crisis: what Manchester needs to do next
January 2022
Briefing Note for Children and Young People’s Scrutiny Committee January 2022
December 2021
Manchester Airport vs The Carbon Budget
June 2021
“Get a waggle on” Learning from UK Local Authority Action on Transport
April 2021
February 2021
Briefing note to Resources and Governance Scrutiny Committee about our petition for a seventh scrutiny committee (“Pass it up”)
Briefing note to Neighbourhoods and Environment Scrutiny Committee about the progress “report” on the Climate Change Action Plan
January 2021
[Hung, Drawn and Quarterly is our three-monthly status report on how Manchester City Council is progressing with the actions it set itself in its Declaration of Climate Emergency on July 10th 2019.]
November 2020
September 2020
Manchester’s Economic Recovery Plan (September 2020)
Mind the Gap: Guide to the GMCA “Green Summit” (September 2020)
August 2020
Cycles of Contention (August 2020)
July 2020
A year on from the climate emergency declaration
June 2020
Core Cities and the Climate Emergency – Learning from Each Other
A budget bluffers guide to how Manchester City Council spends its money
May 2020
March 2020
Greater Manchester local authority progress on climate emergency declarations
February 2020
“Non Plans” Briefing Paper (in advance of the February 2020 meeting of the Neighbourhoods and Environment Scrutiny Committee)
Manchester City Council and Climate Change for Beginners (February)
January 2020
HDQ 02 (January 7th 2020)
November 2019
“With Love And Rockets” was published two weeks after HDQ01, and “calls on Manchester City Council to accelerate and broaden its climate actions.”
October 2019
Hung Drawn and Quarterly 01 (October 8th 2019)
July 2019
Deeds not Words (22nd July 2019)