A new report by Climate Emergency Manchester today reveals that – contrary to repeated statements – Manchester City Council has not collaborated with eight neighbouring authorities to improve cycling and walking.
The report, titled “Cycles of Contention” shows that despite its claims to be willing to liaise, most other councils reported no contact whatsoever from Manchester City Council. The report is based on a number of Freedom of Information Act requests submitted by Manchester citizens. Six councils reported no approaches from Manchester, with Salford dodging the question and Trafford failing to answer.
Marc Hudson of Climate Emergency Manchester said
“Improved access to safe cycling facilities is a straightforward social justice issue, for people who can’t afford to run a car. Our report, based on the responses by multiple councils, shows that Manchester City Council has not lifted a finger to improve cross-council cycling. This is yet another missed opportunity by the Council for bold and transformative action in response to the climate emergency.”
The fourteen page report can be downloaded free as a pdf and as a word document.
Climate Emergency Manchester will continue to hold Manchester City Council to account for the gap between its statements and reality. It is currently campaigning for the creation of a seventh scrutiny committee, dedicated to climate change, via a petition on the City Council’s website.
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