A new report calls on Manchester City Council to create a climate change war room, and bring plans forward for re-examining the target date to be carbon zero. The 44-page report, produced by Climate Emergency Manchester (1) is entitled Climate Deeds Not Words.
The report calls on the Council to
– Create a temporary team from senior council management which reports to chief executive with full time project management support
– Ensure that all 32 wards have agreed Local Climate Champions – one councillor from each ward to champion climate action and engagement
– Present draft implementation plans for 4 key elements of the Ctimate Emergency Declaration to Scrutiny Committees in early September
Calum McFarlane, co-convenor of the campaigning group said.
“Two weeks ago Manchester City Council unanimously supported a climate emergency declaration, with 23 elements to it. We’ve produced a report that urges the Council to turn words into deeds. Our report, produced in collaboration with concerned citizens, puts forward a series of steps we think that Manchester City Council needs to undertake immediately. We have also produced a condensed version of the report that we hope people will present to their councillors.”
As well as the 44 page report (available in pdf or word), 4 page summaries (pdf and word) and 2 page summaries (pdf and word) are also available.
Climate Emergency Manchester encourages residents in Manchester to contact their three ward councillors and discuss the ideas provided in the report/summaries.
Climate Emergency Manchester will continue to scrutinise the progress of the implementation of the Climate Emergency commitments the City Council with its own reports. On October 10th, on the three month anniversary of the Climate Declaration it will release its first quarterly progress report on the progress made.