Three of us recently collected 167 signatures in two hours at Levy Market on a Friday night – see this blog about that.
- We’ve got clipboards with big “Climate Emergency Manchester” on the back of them (which means people don’t think you’re trying to convert them to a religion, or part of a national group chugging).
- We’ve got t-shirts
- We got a 10 minute (at most) briefing that will explain what to do, how to do it.
If you can join us on any of these dates to collect signatures from people who live, work or study in Manchester, please do get in touch via
Saturday 1st June, 1pm – Carnival of Creatures, All Saints Park
Monday 3rd June, 6pm Anti-Trump rally, Albert Square
Saturday 8th/Sunday 9th – Summer of Lev, Levenshulme
Sunday 23rd June – Manchester Day (Manchester City Centre.