Ooh, look, a listicle!!
SIGN and share the climate emergency petition which calls for a 2030 target with Manchester Airport’s aviation emissions properly accounted for. Sign online here or download a petition sheet, print it off, sign it and get others to sign itThen take completed sheet to Patagonia shop in Manchester City Centre or the Sandbar
TELL us what skills and knowledge you have, what things you are doing, what skills, knowledge you’d like by filling in our ‘get involved’ form
OBSERVE our jobs list, broken down into jobs which are simple and quick, simple and long, complex and quick, and complex and long. Tell us you’ll take one on!
GET in touch with your councillors. Send them a thank you for signing the climate emergency declaration message (this will stagger them). Add a PS along the lines of “btw, what is going to be done in this ward, when
IDENTIFY people and groups in your ward that you can get together with to support each other for what is going to be a marathon not a sprint. (CEM might know some folks, if you don’t)
ADOPT one of the elements of the Climate Emergency Declaration. Be like a dog with a bone – keep tabs on how it is being implemented. (CEM can help with this!)
July 11th 2019