#Climate Events in #Manchester in November

cem november calendar



No guarantee of completeness – if you know of more climate-related events in Manchester, email us at climateemergencymanchester@gmail.com, with ‘event’ in the subject header.  Appearance here is not an endorsement of the event, btw.

Monday 4th, 6pm new ppl induction, 6.30 start  XR Manchester  meeting, the Breadshed

Tuesday 5th, 7.15pm – 9pm Frack Free Greater Manchester,   Green Fish Resource Centre, 46-50 Oldham St, Manchester, M4 1LE info@frackfreegtrmanchester.org.uk

Wednesday 6th, 2pm   Neighbourhoods and Environment Scrutiny Committee (May have stuff on Tyndall… and 2030 but we won’t know until the day?!

Weds 6th, 6.30pm Better Buses in Manchester – a public meeting for our buses (hosted by Better Buses for Greater Manchester) Manchester Art Gallery, Mosley St, Manchester M2 3JL

Thursday 7th, 10am  Economy Scrutiny Committee (talking about Green Skills) Manchester Town Hall Extension

Thursday 7th, 7pm   Social Media for NGOs training at Patagonia, King St

Friday 8th,12 noon Fridays for Future. St Peters Square (in front of Central Library)

Monday 11th, 7-8.30pm The UK’s Pathway to Net-Zero: where do local authorities come in? Friends of the Earth Event –  Green Fish Resource Centre, 46-50 Oldham St, Manchester,

Wednesday 13th, 1pm – FRED Talk with Kevin Anderson (hosted by Fossil Free University of Manchester) Can meaningful hope spring from revealing the depth of our climate failure? Samuel Alexander Building Rm SG.16, University of Manchester,

Friday 15th, 12 noon Fridays for Future. St Peters Square (in front of Central Library)

Saturday 16th, 930am – 5pm Energise – a day of retrofit learning and inspiration

A day of workshops and seminars offering all the knowledge you need to retrofit you home and make it safe for a ‘climate emergency’ world.. See carbon.coop for more info.

Wednesday 20th, 7pm – 9pm Aviation and the Climate Crisis– hosted by Flight Free UK, An inspiring event exploring the climate impact of aviation, flight-free travel, &  how people power can save the world. Bridge 5 Mill 22A Beswick Street Manchester M4 7HR

Thursday 21st, 6pm Green Drinks – Carbon Jargon Busting with Dr Joe Blakey, Methodist Centre, Oldham Street

Friday 22nd, 12 noon Fridays for Future. St Peters Square (in front of Central Library)

Saturday-Sunday 23rd/24th Local Youth Climate Conference, Manchester Metropolitan University. Details https://lcoyuk.wixsite.com/lcoy

Tuesday 26th­­, 7pm Manchester Friends of the Earth   free film screening of “The Race is On: Secrets and Solutions of Climate (2019)”. MMU Business School (room TBC), lasts about 40 minutes and will be followed by a discussion for those interested.

Friday 29th, 12-3pm Global Climate Strike.  St Peter’s Square

Climate Emergency Manchester exists to help people in Manchester understand what is going on, and to take action.  This includes scrutinising Manchester City Council and making positive suggestions. You can get involved for an hour a month, a day a week…

www.climateemergencymanchester.net   & @ClimateEmergMcr