This page contains links to both OUR pages for the 6 scrutiny committees and also the official council pages It also explains the basic format of how the scrutiny committee meetings “work” and what to watch out for
Their pages and ours.
When they meet | Our pages | Their pages | |
Children and Young People | Children and Young People | Children and Young People | |
Economy | Economy Scrutiny Committee | Economy | |
Health | Health Scrutiny Committee | Health | |
Neighbourhoods and Environment | Neighbourhooods and Environment Scrutiny Committee | Neighbourhoods and Environment | |
Resources and Governance | Resources and Governance | Resources and Governance | |
Communities and Equalities | Communities and Equalitiess | Communities and Equalities |
What to do before you go to a scrutiny committee meeting
What happens DURING a scrutiny committee meeting
What to do AFTER a meeting