You can sign this letter below by filling out the Google form below. Only give us your email address if you’re happy to hear more about what we are doing.
I am a resident of Manchester. I am desperately concerned about climate change and the impacts it will have – is already having – on everyone in the city, especially the most vulnerable and disadvantaged.
I applaud the Council’s decision to overhaul the existing scrutiny arrangements so that the climate emergency gets more attention. This is one way – by no means the only one – that the thorny issues of how we reduce emissions radically, adapt to changes that are now inevitable can be addressed.
I urge those currently formulating the scrutiny proposals to be bold, ambitious and far-reaching, as befits the history of Manchester, which has so often been a pioneer.
I will write to my councillors and to the Council leader about this. [suggested wording of letters for councillors and for Richard Leese]
On Wednesday 31st March, councillors will debate and hopefully vote for the strongest possible set of proposals.
Regardless of the outcome, which I will be watching intently, I commit to working with other individuals and organisations to improve our city’s response to climate change over the coming months, years and decades.