On Saturday 15th June, from 11.30 to 12.30 residents of Northenden and further afield have the chance to come together to discuss climate change and what we can do about it locally.
The meeting (see the facebook event for it here – please share!) will be hosted by a new group, Climate Emergency Manchester, which is gathering signatures on a petition calling on Manchester City Council to declare a climate emergency, with a zero carbon target of 2030. Anyone who lives, works or studies within Manchester City Council’s boundaries is able to sign (no age or nationality limit). (We need 4000 signatures by end of September: so far we have almost 2000.)
The format of the meeting will be informal. It will start with a simple and fun process by which we find out “who is in the room,” what knowledge and skills we have and what knowledge and skills we want.
There’ll then be a short presentation about climate change, the need for a climate emergency declaration in Manchester, and for ongoing action by the council, business and ‘ordinary citizens’.
That will be followed by a short question and answer session and brain-storming around the ‘what can we do locally’ question?
The event is at Northenden Fitness & Yoga/Methodist Church Hall, at the junction of Palatine Road and Victoria Road. It will run from 11.30 until 12.30 (or a bit later, if people have loads of questions/ideas!).
If you live in Northenden (or even in the wilds of East and West Didsbury), please do
a) come
b) Tell your friends, family who might be interested that the event is happening
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