We have a new petition. It needs 4000 signatories who live work or study in Manchester – then we get a debate in Full Council. It’s still a long way to 4000. And 4000 is “just a number” – we need to be talking about who we are, what we want, how we think we get it, what we do next etc. Therefore, every time we get to a round number in the online and paper signatures (and we already have well over 100 on paper) we will do an interview with someone who has signed, using the questions below. First up, Hannah Malcolm…
1. Who are you, what do you do, why did you sign the petition?

I signed the petition because ‘climate emergency’ language has sadly failed to act as a reliable point of reference for decision making in councils across the UK. While declaring an emergency was a vital first step, it’s time for stronger, more specific demands.
2. Have you tried to get other folks to sign yet? If so, how, and how did that go?
Yes – the feedback so far has been mostly positive, but then like most of us I live in a bit of an echo chamber.
3. What suggestions do you have for those trying to get more people to sign the petition?
Print it out. Shove it under the noses of friends – ideally in person. Take it along to your church, mosque, community group, sports team. Reach out to people you know who don’t live in your neighbourhood.
4. If Manchester City Council DOES set up a permanent ‘Climate and Environment Scrutiny Committee’ what should its first actions afterwards be?
– Turn an uncompromising gaze on airport expansion plans, including incorporating the airport into any ‘carbon neutral’ or ‘net zero’ city targets.
– Push for bus regulation and expanded/protected cycle routes.
– Prioritise the health of communities suffering from dangerous levels of air pollution, including tree planting and protection schemes and much stricter regulations around parking and car access to roads surrounding schools.
– Commit to no new car parks.
5. How do you think citizens could/should act to make sure that such a declaration is followed up with actual actions? What skills and knowledge are needed for that?
More knowledge of genuinely workable alternatives. In particular, pointing out the ways that actions have been successfully implemented in other UK cities (especially London!) is really powerful.
6. Anything else you’d like to say
May God bless Climate Emergency Manchester and all who sail in her 😉
Hannah didn’t mention that on Weds. the CofE General Synod ammended a motion cutting the Church’s Carbon Neutral target date from 2045 to 2030. This means every parish will have to wake up and her call to take it to congregations is very appropriate. Most congregations gather for a cup of coffee/tea after the service and a couple of clip boards can be passed round. (Don’t just take one as people will hold it and talk whilst others wait… or don’t! I reckon I can manage three at a time and will be circulating it at Holy Innocents’ in Fallowfield next week- this week we’re circulating a Christian Aid nag to the PM about COP26.)