CEMNESC overview report 2020 05 27On Wednesday 27th May citizens in Manchester will gather online to do three crucial things
- get to know each other’s campaigns a bit better
- scrutinise Manchester City Council’s (in)actions on climate and environment, – see the latest Hung Drawn and Quarterly report for gory details – and figure out how to best engage with the upcoming discussions around the Budget and the “Our Manchester” consultation, and other decisions around the future of the city.
- hear about some Climate Emergency Manchester projects (the petition and the Active Citizenship Toolkit) and pitch in with offers of help/critiques etc.
The meeting will take place at 7pm, online, either via a zoom meeting or a googlehangout (we’re still working on the technical specifications and pluses and minuses of each. The relevant link(s) will be posted on this site and also on Twitter/Facebook soon enough…
Update – it will be a Zoom, which we will be recording. Email us at contact@climateemergencymanchester.net for details
The full agenda sheet (the format may be familiar) is here. Reports will be added on the weekend.
The reports
a) The Council’s current performance on climate change
b) The Petition
Thank you to CEM for organising a useful and engaged meeting. Hope you get more people next time.
thanks for coming!
We will be doing another one – probably on the last Monday evening in June, just before the scrutiny committee meetings kick off.
Will publicise it further afield too, but this one nicely attended and has generated some really good ideas and questions!
Marc, on behalf of CEM