Next @ClimateEmergMcr meeting – Tues 1st Sept, 8pm. Also – pls print off copies of petition, get family etc to sign

The next online Climate Emergency Meeting is to be held on Tuesday 1st September, at 8pm.  The 45 to 60 minute meeting will help you get up to speed with what the Council is(n’t) doing, what we ARE doing, how you can get involved. There is explicitly time for networking and making new friends.  Email us on for the address and password.

Normally we hold our meetings on the Monday evening of the week that the six scrutiny committees of the City Council meet. We’ve moved it to the Tuesday because it’s a Bank Holiday Monday. The dates for the meetings for the rest of the year are as follows-

  • Monday 5th October at 8pm
  • Monday 2nd November at 8pm
  • Monday 30th November at 8pm

Crucially, we need your help to get the signatures we need to force a debate in Full Council about a seventh scrutiny committee, dedicated to climate change and the environment. You can sign online here, joining the hundreds who already have.

However, signing online can be a bit of a pain in the arse. The alternative is to print off a copy,

sign “in real life” and get other people you live with (if you live within the boundaries of Manchester City Council) to sign too, and then contact us – we will come collect.  (Also,we will be ‘out and about’ at events, socially-distanced. For example, we will be at the XR event in central Manchester next Tuesday. You’ll recognise us by the big sandwich boards with QR codes!


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