UPDATE 20 July 2019. Whoop! Manchester City Council declared a climate emergency. Read the motion here, see the videos/speeches here. BUT we are still collecting signatures on our petition. Here’s why! Please download the new version here, get your friends to sign it and then take it to either the Sandbar (120 Grosvenor St) or Patagonia (cnr Cross St and King St, City Centre)
UPDATE 23 June 2019. We are now over halfway to the 4000 signatures we need, but your help is still needed. You can collected signatures (download the sheet here), lobby your councillors, or get in touch with us about other tasks in the coming months and years (yes, years: but your commitment can be hours or days if you like!).
Climate change is with us. We have to respond rapidly and radically.
At the moment, the ten local governments of Greater Manchester, and the GM Combined Authority, are doing little (while some are paying lip service).
This website will try to support concerned citizens who want to use the petitions scheme to get radical climate action onto the agenda (literally) of the GM councils.
You can download blank copies of the paper petition here. When you get people to sign, tell them to fill in all their postal address details as if they giving details to someone who was about to send them a 50 pound note and a birthday card (i.e. a mere post code is NOT enough – we need flat/house number, street and postcode (and ideally suburb).
You can download compliments slips here (please give these to people who sign the petition so they can get in touch
Who are we?
The two co-founders of Climate Emergency Manchester are Marc Hudson (also editor of Manchester Climate Monthly) and Calum McFarlane (interviewed on that site late last year). We have now been joined by Chloe Jeffries. We are always looking for more people to get involved.
Our campaign is not affiliated to any political party.