You are invited to attend the next meeting of Climate Emergency Manchester. It is this Wednesday, 17th July, from 1pm at the Waterhouse Pub, 67-71 Princess St.. It’s a chance to mingle, meet like-minded souls and then, at about quarter to two, head over to the next meeting of… brace for it.. the Neighbourhoods and Environment Scrutiny Committee.
On the agenda at that meeting – the recent report by the Manchester Climate Change “Agency” where it was admitted that Manchester’s climate change targets are being missed by a very wide margin indeed (aimed for a 13% reduction, got… 2%). ALSO up for discussion will be the Great Ancoats St bike lane removal decision.
On the whole, though, as can be seen here, in Climate Emergency Manchester’s handy overview of the agenda of all six scrutiny committee meetings, no other Scrutiny Committee is discussing climate change. It seems Business as Usual will take a little longer to be shaken loose…
If you have questions about the above, or want to get involved in Climate Emergency Manchester’s work, please get in touch on
2 thoughts on “#climate & Great Ancoats cycle lanes & on the scrutiny agenda in #Manchester. Pre-meeting, Weds 17th July, 1pm”
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