Next Thursday, 27th February, sees the first “End of the World” reading group event hosted by CEM. The venue (for this one at least – watch this space) is the Sandbar, 120 Grosvenor St. We are aware that this is not particularly accessible (and certainly not for wheelchair users) – if you have other nearby suggestions, please shout.
The time is 7.30 to 9pm (but we will probably be there before and after, if you want to drop off sheets of signatures you’ve collected for our petition, but don’t want to talk about…
George Orwell’s Animal Farm.
Which you can read free, online, here.
Because a book about endless broken promises, the rewriting of the past and the use of sloganeering to blot out all critical thought is just utter fiction and will be incomprehensible to anyone who has lived in Manchester for more than five minutes. Oh yes.
Future book groups (dates to be confirmed, but we’re leaning towards ‘last Thursday of the month’) will look at
- The Swan Book by Alexis Wright
- The Parable of the Sower by Octavia Butler
- On the Beach by Nevil Shute
Marc Hudson, on behalf of the core group of CEMP.