Upcoming @ClimateEmergMcr online meeting Mon 20th July, 8pm #Manchester #climate

Climate Emergency Manchester is hosting its latest monthly online meeting on Monday 20th July, from 8pm. Anyone who wants to know what Manchester City Council is (not) up to on climate change, and what the particular types of distraction and diversion are, is very welcome to join us.

The meeting comes at the beginning of another week in which the Council’s six scrutiny committees meet. All the committees are chaired by Labour councillors, and some of them have nothing but Labour councillors on them. Given that the Labour has 93 of the 96 councillors, this is inevitable. It also means, though, that thorough scrutiny of bad decisions, indecisions and failures to implement policy is very often
not done.

So, on Wednesday 22nd at 2pm, the meeting of the Neighbourhoods and Environment Scrutiny Committee will take place (online only). Last month they refused to have pop-up cycle lanes as an emergency item, and the scrutiny of the Council’s uselessness on the issue was cursory, with a separate meeting (not to be filmed, not to be minuted) was planned. This month there is, apparently, going to be a report about climate change.

Before that meeting, at 9.30am on the same day there is an online ninety minute “conference” hosted by the so-called Manchester Climate Change “Agency.”  You can, if you are a masochist, register for it here. We will – over the coming week and on Monday 20th – explain what these bodies are, how and why they have fundamentally failed to galvanise action on climate change over the last ten years, and how that failure is likely to continue unless civil society gets up on its hindlegs.

The online meeting on the evening of Monday 20th will also give a very brief overview of CEM’s upcoming efforts around the petition for a seventh scrutiny committee, upcoming CEM reports, the Active Citizenship Toolkit. It explains what we are doing, why, how and how you can get involved. There should be time for general discussion about upcoming events and activities.

Please attend if any of this is of interest to you (you are under no obligation to stick around for the whole thing), and publicise (share, retweet etc). Any questions, comments, please email us on contact@climateemergencymanchester.net


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