Three things
1. Dates for your diary
- Monday 20th July, 8pm, for the next online meeting of Climate Emergency Manchester – email us on for URL and password. We will be discussing a) upcoming events (see below), our petition for a seventh scrutiny committee, which we want you to sign (you have to live, work or study within the City Council’s boundaries) and share widely, our Active Citizenship Toolkit, and other stuff that is happening in the coming months.
- Tuesday 21st July, 2pm Manchester Climate Change “Agency” releases its annual report. So, plenty of time for scrutiny before the AGM the (checks notes) following morning… Register here.
- Wednesday 22nd, 9.30am-11am – a 90-minute “conference” (srsly, wtaf?) with your chance to listen to Manchester’s “leaders” tell us how everything is basically on track and nothing needs to change. Register here.
- Wednesday 22nd July, at 1.30 – Online pre-meeting before the Neighbourhoods and Environment Scrutiny Committee meets online (2pm-4pm). We will gather before the online meeting of one of the six “scrutiny committees” of Manchester City Council. There will, we are told, be a report about climate (in)action presented to that committee. Again – for URL and password.
2. Please write to your Councillors about what has (or has not) happened in the 32 wards of Manchester on the climate emergency in the last year, and how you can be involved – at a ward level – in the coming year. We’ve drafted a letter here, but please modify it.
3. This video is really worth your time. “Covid-19, BLM & climate crisis: what it means for the Left?” hosted by the Centre for Labour and Social Studies.