The annual progress update from the The Deputy Chief Executive and City Treasurer was published last week about MCC’s progress against it’s Climate Change “Action” “Plan”… we’ve taken a little snapshot of the summary below… we think their interpretation of “significant progress” is from a parallel dimension of our definition and have produced a briefing report in response that we’ve sent to members of the scrutiny committee. Download the report here: Briefing Paper NESC 2021 02 10
A world and a pandemic away in February 2020 we had a few posts in response to the last “progress update” – a lack of vision and pathway is still very much valid for the city-wide “actions” from what we could sift through, and emission reductions remain dangerously off track – you can revisit the guest post from a professional who regularly works with other councils on their climate plans here.
What can you do about it?
1. Find out if your councillor is on NESC here. If you don’t know who your councillors are, you can put your postcode in here and find out.
2. If they are in NESC, email them over the briefing paper and mention your concerns – they can be the same as ours if you agree, or something else. Ask for a reply to acknowledge they’ve read your email.
3. If they’re not, email over the briefing paper and ask them to raise your concerns with a colleague on NESC. Ask for a reply to acknowledge they’ve read your email.
1 thought on “Manchester City Council’s Climate Change “Action” “Plan” progress update – carbon carbon everywhere and not a mention of burning through 25% of the city-wide budget in 2 years…”