If you have things that you think should be in our Monday bulletin, please email us on contact@climateemergencymanchester.net
Climate Emergency Manchester news
This week we will
If you want to get involved in what we do – and you don’t need to be an “expert” in anything – please do get in touch via contact@climateemergencymanchester.net
Council news
Three meetings of interest this week. Links take you to agendas, and within them you find links to be able to watch online…
Dates for your diary
- Mon 22 February, 6..30pm Fossil Free Greater Manchester meeting Email fossilfreegm@gmail.com for a joining link
- Friday 5 March -Budget Council (the meeting of Full Council where they sign off on a budget that spreads the latest Tory cuts in various ways. See budgets 2011 onwards).
- Monday 8 March , 8pm – CEM’s next online meeting. And believe it or not, you will come away more connected and energised than at the start, or your money back! (Free event). Email us for the webex link – contact@climateemergencymanchester.net
- Wednesday 31 March, 10am – meeting of Full Council, where proposals for massively improved climate scrutiny may be a) presented and b) agreed.
Local stuff worth reading