Edinburgh Green Anticapitalist Front (GAF) have created a fantastic new zine that recognises and explores queer and feminist perspectives to climate and anti-capitalist activism, and considers the intersections between these different identities within the climate movement.
The zine considers (in the words of Edinburgh GAF themselves):
“categorisation and homogeneity as efforts to control; struggle as one of many fronts; how patriarchy is related to power over nature and people at large; and how to be a better climate movement. The zine also contains artworks about strong women, tree planting, capitalism co-opting our struggles, capitalist and anarchist structures, how ‘green capitalism’ is not good, and why anti-capitalism is (obviously) for the better, as well as the wonderful drawings on the front and back cover.”
Edinburgh GAF are quick to point out that this zine does not (and cannot) exhaustively address everything that needs including on the relationship between climate activism and feminism and queerness, but it’s definitely a brilliant starting point for anyone inside or outside the climate movement. I’m particularly drawn to the zine’s artworks- in CEM we’re trying to consider approaches beyond our often default approach of text-heavy communications and coordinations, and I’m sure that the work and visual approaches within this zine are things that Climate Emergency Manchester as a group can learn from!
You can download a pdf of the Queer Feminist Climate Activism Zine here: https://greenanticapitalist.org/wp-content/uploads/2021/02/GAF-Queer-Feminist-Climate-Activism-Zine.pdf
And you can listen to the audio version (with image description) here: https://soundcloud.com/edinburghgaf/sets/queer-feminist-climate-activism-zine-by-edinburgh-green-anti-capitalist-front