We need your help, in the here and now. Just an hour or two from a bunch of different people.
We are putting together a report about rapid reductions in emissions in various cities in the UK. We are going to get this short, positive report under the noses of relevant councillors, and say “Well, if they are doing this in Belfast, why aren’t we doing same in Manchester? If they are doing that in Sheffield, why aren’t…”
We need
a) your top tips on projects that are actually happening in cities around the UK and beyond, especially around transport and energy
b) your time and brains as a research monkey
c) your time and brians as a proorfeader
d) your eyes and hands as a beautifier of the report
We will shout your name from the rooftops, unless you would actually prefer if we didn’t (Pat, honest, we won’t blow your cover).
Email us on contact@climateemergencymanchester.net or ap@climateemergencymanchester.net
If not now, when, eh?