There are lots of great groups in Manchester, doing important work. Some are well-networked with other groups, others less so.

Climate Emergency Manchester believes we will do better if we know more about each other, what each other is doing, how, why, and what skills each group has and wants. We want the groups to be able to easily find each other, and offer support to each other as best they can, without any central gatekeeper.
One way we’re going to try to help that happen is by publishing a directory of groups working on environment and social justice (1). We’re going to commit to updating it every six months too, since new groups form, old ones die, and we inevitably will have missed out groups the first time round.
The first “Strawberry Snapshot” (2) will be released on Monday 12th July, two years and two days after Manchester City Council declared a “climate emergency.”
If you are reading this as a group that is active on environment/social justice in Manchester (and we kinda mostly mean Manchester City Council’s boundaries, rather than Greater Manchester – but contact us if you’re in any doubt), then fingers crossed we have already emailed you this questionnaire below.
If we haven’t, oops, our bad. Please email us on
Over the coming weeks, we will be putting up blog posts about some of the different groups from which we’ve already received replies (hello Greater Manchester Law Centre, Carbon Coop etc).
(1) This is NOT a new idea. There have been directories before, including ones in the 1990s, and also EN4M in 2004. And that’s aside from the stellar work of the Networking Newsletter in the 1990s and 2000s. Shoulders of giants and all that…
(2) Why strawberry? Because they’re tasty, colourful and rhizomatic…