One of the things we try to do at CEM is scrutinise the actions (and the words!) of Manchester City Council as they relate (or more commonly, don’t) to the climate and ecological emergencies. In 2023, Climate Emergency UK are embarking on an ambitious project – to rank all of the UK’s councils on climate action, as opposed to climate plans. To do this they will need the help of over 200 volunteers, and clearly most of them will need to be outside of Manchester!
So please – if you might have some free time to help out in 2023, or if you know people who might be interested in getting involved anywhere in the UK, please spread the word
Full disclosure:
Hannah Jewell, who is a member of the Core Group of CEM is also a paid employee of Climate Emergency UK.
Simon Jermy, who is also a member of the Core Group of CEM is a member of the Climate Emergency UK Advisory Group.