On Thursday 23rd January the ‘climate change subgroup’ (1) of Manchester City Council met for its second meeting. A blog about that has already been posted here.
Thanks to an incredibly speedily returned Freedom of Information Act request, we can now share the footage of that meeting with you.
The next meeting of the subgroup is on Weds 18th March, 2pm. HOWEVER, there is a very important meeting of the sub-group’s parent committee, the Neighbourhoods and Environment Scrutiny Committee, next Weds, 5th February, from 2pm to (probably after) 4pm. There is a climate Emergency Manchester pre-meeting, from 1pm at the Waterhouse pub, 67-71 Princess St.
If you can’t attend in person, you will be able to see the agenda and watch the webcast here.
The reason the meeting is so important is that plans for the period 2020-2038 2025 will be scrutinised. You can find an initial post about the (lack of) money for climate action here.
(1) Manchester City Council has 6 scrutiny committees, which are there to make sure that good policy is both made and, well, implemented. Subgroups and task and finish groups are set up occasionally, to deal with issues that are too big, unwieldy or behind. They can also be where good ideas go to die, or – sometimes- be very slowly born. The Climate Subgroup was set up, over some opposition, in late 2019, after the July Climate Emergency Declaration. Its meetings are NOT webcast or archived, but we have FOIAed for the video footage above…