On Monday 10th February its latest petition – Respond to climate change with more democracy and more money – goes live.
CEM have a favour. They want you to:
a) sign the petition
you will need to use your Manchester City Council website account. If you don’t have one, you can make one very easily (2 mins) here –
Then share the fact that you have done so on any social media (Facebook, Twitter etc) you use, encouraging people in your wider network to sign too, if they live, work or study within Manchester City Council’s boundaries.
b) before then, to make a list of (at least) ten people you know who:
live, work or study within Manchester City Council’s boundaries
are NOT ‘activists’ (no arrests, no regular meetings, the occasional march at most).
Please contact each of those 10 people individually (no bulk emails/Tweets/Facebook
To sign people will need an account on the Manchester City Council website. If they don’t already have an account, they can make one (see link above).
If a person you ask has already been asked by someone else, CEM hopes you will keep going through your list until you’ve asked ten people nobody else has asked.
In a perfect world you’d check the list of signatories a day or so later to see who signed and send those you could see a thank you (but we don’t live in that perfect world, so that one is of course even more optional than the rest!)
Would you be up for that?!
There’s a LOT of other work to do around the petition, both online and in ‘real life’. If you want to get involved in that, CEM would be more than happy to have you. More details will be on http://www.
Meanwhile, Climate Emergency Manchester’s other work – investigating, writing reports to offer ideas or expose the rhetoric-reality gap, lobbying councillors, connecting citizens, offering training – continues, and you could get involved in that via contact@
Best wishes
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