If you’re disappointed like me with the recent decision of the City Council to end its association with Levenshulme Bee Network’s ‘Our Active Neighbourhood’ project and are looking for things to do, here is our suggestion:
1. Write to your ward councillors asking (in your own words as politicians like a personal touch):
- Why did they make this decision?
- Who will now lead and progress this project?
- When do they expect for the project to resume in its new incarnation?
2. Write to members of the Neighbourhood and Environment Scrutiny Committee (members in table below) asking for an item of urgent business to be added to the agenda of the next meeting on Wed 22 July regarding the decision to end its association with Levenshulme Bee Network.
Name | Ward | Email and Twitter |
Azra Ali | Burnage | cllr.azra.ali@manchester.gov.uk @CllrAzraAli |
Paula Appleby | Moston | cllr.p.appleby@manchester.gov.uk @mostonlabour |
Shazia Butt | Cheetham | cllr.shazia.butt@manchester.gov.uk |
John Flanagan | Miles Platting and NewtonHeath | cllr.j.flanagan@manchester.gov.uk CllrJohnFlan@ |
Naeem Hassan | Cheetham | cllr.n.hassan@manchester.gov.uk @HassanNaeemUl |
John Hughes | Gorton and Abbey Hey | cllr.j.hughes@manchester.gov.uk @JohnHughes55 |
Lee-Ann Igbon (CHAIR) | Hulme | cllr.l.igbon@manchester.gov.uk @AnnIgbon |
William Jeavons | Deansgate | cllr.william.jeavons@manchester.gov.uk @WilliamJeavons |
Richard Kirkpatrick | Didsbury West | cllr.richard.kilpatrick@manchester.gov.uk @RKilpatrickMCR |
Sam Lynch | Northenden | cllr.sam.lynch@manchester.gov.uk @CllrSLynch |
Jon-Connor Lyons | Piccadilly | cllr.jon-connor.lyons@manchester.gov.uk @JonConnorLyons |
Aftab Razaq | Whalley Range | cllr.a.razaq@manchester.gov.uk |
Paula Sadler | Higher Blackley | cllr.p.sadler@manchester.gov.uk |
Matt Strong | Chorlton | cllr.m.strong@manchester.gov.uk @mattstrong |
Tim Whiston | Sharston | cllr.tim.whiston@manchester.gov.uk @timwhiston |
Gavin White | Old Moat | cllr.gavin.white@manchester.gov.uk @gavinwhite76 |
Annettte Wright | Hulme | cllr.annette.wright@manchester.gov.uk @AnnetteWright |
3. Sign our petition for more effective scrutiny of decisions like these and share with your friends, family, neighbours within the City Council area to do the same.
Even with some supposed soothing words from the City Council of ‘we’re still committed to this project and it’s a priority’ yesterday, we need to understand why they have derailed the project in its current form and how they will rectify the messy situation – strong and bold leadership is sorely needed from those we have elected.
One of our core members has written a piece in Manchester Climate Monthly about getting the Council to play a useful role in climate action that might also be worth a read.
The local community has spoken out against this scheme. Thousands of residents have been left uninformed. We do not want the scheme as it stands and will take direct action should that become necessary.
Hi Sarah,
two questions –
a) who do you define as “the local community”? Are people who live in the area who DO support the scheme part of it or not?
b) what are your principle objections to it “as it stands” and what are your alternative suggestions?