Online event: The Changing Arctic And Its Global Consequences – Tuesday 3rd November, 6.30 pm

In the next Manchester Literary and Philosophical Society online event for young people on Tuesday 3rd November, Professor Terry Callaghan will discuss the changing Arctic.

Who is this event for?

This event is part of our programme for Young People and is for everyone who has a concern about the global future and the effects of climate change.  Professor Terry Callaghan has had a very interesting career, as shown in the account below, and event attendees will have the opportunity to ask questions during a live Q&A after the illustrated talk.  The event will last around 60 minutes in total.

Event description

The Arctic is changing rapidly because of climate change and globalisation.  Increasingly, the two aspects are linked and changes in the Arctic’s environment are accelerating.  Climate warming in the Arctic is much faster than the global average with new extremes of heat and harmful weather events.  Their consequences are having profound impacts on the frozen parts of the Arctic, its wildlife and its peoples.  The Arctic has for millennia acted as a corrective negative feedback loop to global warming by capturing and storing carbon and reflecting heat from the surface.  Melted ice means more heat absorption – a positive feedback loop with consequences for the whole Earth.  At the same time, declining sea and river ice is leading to new transport routes and improved access to resources that further impact the environment.  This illustrated talk gives examples of changes in the Arctic, their local consequences and the implications for the rest of the world.

About the speaker

Over 53 years, Terry has worked in every arctic country. He founded a network of 88 research stations in 16 countries (INTERACT) and co-founded the Siberian Environmental Change Network. With over 430 scientific papers, he is a “Most Cited and Influential Researcher”. Terry has Honorary Ph.D.s from Sweden, Finland and Russia, medals from the International Arctic Science Committee,  H.M. the King of Sweden and H.M. Queen Elisabeth of England, and was included in the Nobel Peace Prize to IPCC in 2007. He holds Professorships in the UK and Russia and is a Member of the Royal Swedish Academy of Sciences.

How to book a free place

  1. If you would like to register for the event, please here and follow the instructions.
  2. Once your details have been approved by a moderator you will receive an email with a unique link and details on how to ‘join the event’ on the night.

NB Please note that once the event has started, registration will no longer be possible.

The event URL

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