If we are going to have the broad, and extremely rapid changes we need (what academics like to call “socio-technical transitions”- don’t get us started), then there will be all sorts of local experiments like Chorlton Bike Deliveries. We at Climate Emergency Manchester are keen to publicise the existence of such local-to-Manchester experiments. If you are one/or know of one, please contact us on contact@climateemergencymanchester.net
1. Who are you and what do you do?
We are Chorlton Bike Deliveries. We set up during the first lockdown to support local retailers, residents and community groups with bike deliveries from independent shops in and around Chorlton. We wanted to provide an alternative for car/van use, both by local people for their shopping and businesses taking goods to other shops or directly to customers.
We think of ourselves as having one heart, the health and well-being of our local area and beyond, and two arms – one arm is there to support our independent traders and Chorlton high street, the other is to work with community groups and in particular those addressing food poverty. In the 10 months since launching, we have cycled 4800km reaching out to vulnerable people and helping traders and shoppers who choose to have their goods and shopping delivered by bike. That means 4800 fewer kilometres by car/van on our roads and a total 840kg less CO2 emission. This is equivalent to the amount absorbed by 38 10-year-old trees over a year.
2. What are the 2021 goals for your organisation?
We have incorporated as a non-for-profit multi-stakeholder co-operative and over coming months, we will build this structure with members to include riders (volunteer and paid), our core decision-making group, community organisations, local retailers and others.
We will also expand our commercial work significantly over the coming year. We have taken on new business-to-business and business-to-customer work recently as well as a daily run from GP practices in Chorlton to Withington Community Hospital Path Lab. We are working towards an ‘only mile’ approach in which we are available to transport any e-cargo-bikeable goods for private, business or other customer within a defined geographical area. At the same time, our community arm will continue to respond to local need especially around food poverty and distribution of subsidised or free meals and groceries.
3. If people get involved with your group, what sorts of things would they end up doing?
For our development, we are looking people, not only to ride, but who may also be interested in becoming part of the decision-making process, to make a contribution, have a sense of ownership and a share in the fun. This will include undertaking bike deliveries, but could also include getting involved in business development, our on-line platform, financial systems management, writing funding bids and more.
Anyone interested should email chorltonbikedeliveries@gmail.
4. What are the specific skills and knowledge you’re lacking?
See above.
5. Complete this sentence: “For Manchester to become more sustainable/less unsustainable, in the next six months…. (and you can answer that question either with “the council needs to” or “citizens need to” or both)
the council needs to implement a means of systematically considering policy in relation to their impact on sustainability into the future. This includes housing, transport of people, environmental education and of course our area of interest, the transport of goods.