Climate Emergency Manchester today releases a report which highlights what other cities in the UK are doing to reduce their carbon emissions from transport.
The 14 page report (pdf) (word), based on research by members of CEM calls on Manchester City Council to undertake the following five actions
- Review the decision taken in 2020 not to implement pop-up cycle lanes in the city centre
- Use new legislation to enforce fines for car parking in mandatory cycle lanes.
- Lobby GMCA to create a municipal bus company within Greater Manchester.
- Investigate sites for low cost/intervention park and ride sites
- Review previous decisions not to introduce a Workplace Parking Levy.
Lead author of the report, Adam Peirce said
“Other cities in the UK are taking action on transport emissions that Manchester could and should learn from. We’ve produced this report for councillors, in the hope they start to think about bringing fresh ideas and action to the city, which needs to radically reduce its emissions.”
Climate Emergency Manchester will continue to work with individuals and groups in Manchester to push for rapid emissions reductions. It will also be producing further reports that will look at other aspects of the climate emergency.