Tomorrow at 10am the Environment and Climate Change “Scrutiny” Committee meets (more details about it generally here).
CEM will be there in person (meet on the steps of the Friends Meeting House, 6 Mount St) at 9.30am. If you’d rather watch from the comfort of your own masochism dungeon, then the link can be found via here.
There are four reports, three of which are allegedly about climate change. Two of these are offensively bad, and the third is stunningly late.
Here are blog posts about the four.
The Waste and Recycling one (recycling rates are no higher than 5 years ago, really)

The Climate Change Quarterly “Report” (don’t mention the city’s emissions)

The “Development of our Nineteenth Nervous Framework”

The “Urgent renewables report sits on a shelf for six months“

We will be live tweeting the whole thing (until we lose the will to live). The hashtag is #ZeroClimateScrutiny