Two weeks ago we published “With Love and Rockets: What can we do, in Manchester, about the Climate Emergency before Christmas? By April 2020?”
It is chock-full of practical ideas that councillors, citizens and even the Council’s leadership could take on board. A journalist contacted the Council for a comment. There was no reply, followed by a press release about the Climate Change Subgroup (read accounts of that here, here and here).
Since then, nothing. Perhaps this letter in the Manchester Evening News, 2nd November, will rouse someone to reply. Meanwhile, the Leader’s Blog will have comments again, someday soon(ish).
If you want to contact your councillor and send them a copy of the With Love and Rockets report, you can find their contact details here.
Thank you for publishing our letter about the council’s claims to be spending lots of money on climate change action (“Spending will have little impact on climate”, 28 October)
On Monday 21st October we released our latest report “With Love and Rockets”. It is full of practical ideas of actions that councillors, the council’s leadership, and ordinary citizens can take to put some momentum behind the climate emergency declaration the Council unanimously voted for in July. It can be downloaded for free from
On the front cover we put a quote from Richard Leese’s blog, where the leader of the Council since 1996 claimed that he was “interested in practical deliverable solutions” and “open to working with anybody who wants to join us in that task.”
As of yet, we have had as much response from the council to our suggestions as there are members of staff in the Council working full time on responding to climate change – that is to say, none whatsoever.
Calum McFarlane (on behalf of Climate Emergency Manchester
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