The Manchester Evening News has kindly published our letter today. THE drumbeat around November’s international climate conference in Glasgow grows…
Two letters about climate change in the Evening News today. The second was submitted by Robbie Watt of the core…
Manchester Evening News published this today- A letter in Viewpoints from many local groups (“Time for city to take bold…
Not one, but two letters in the Manchester Evening News. Marc Hudson
Today’s MEN carries a letter from Chloe Jeffries of the Core Group of Climate Emergency Manchester. Chloe will be addressing…
The MEN has published a letter (below) written by one of the core group members of Climate Emergency Manchester, writing…
Letter in the Manchester Evening News on Thursday 1st October… Manchester City Council has just wasted fifty thousand pounds on…
The Manchester Evening News kindly published a letter from Marc Hudson (core group member, writing in a personal capacity). It…
If you live, work or study within Manchester City Council’s boundaries, please sign and share the petition for a seventh…
The Manchester Evening News letters page today carries three letters about climate change. There’s been an ongoing exchange between a…