Why does CEM hold a monthly meeting?
CEM holds a short meeting once a month to update supporters on upcoming issues and events. The session is also a chance to for supporters to get to know each other, and promote initiatives they are involved with (in June we heard about the proposed Platt Hall Climate Emergency Hub). We will hold our meetings in the same week as Manchester City Council’s Neighbourhood and Environment Scrutiny Committee, in order to demystify the agenda and talk through items relating to the climate emergency.
What were the main points discussed at this meeting?
We shared (and lowered) expectations of the Manchester Climate Agency 90-minute‘conference’ taking place on the following Wednesday. Interestingly, a number of participants revealed that they had received invitations to speak at the conference only in the past few days. Talk about advance notice. As one of our supporters pointed out, an ‘annual’ conference should in theory have a lead in time of one year.
(The conference panned out as expected, but on steroids… read Marion Smith’s account here)
Did it go well?
From my perspective as chair, yes. I was particularly pleased that people struck up and conversations with each other via the chat.
What could have gone better?
I think the software worked for most people on the call, but apologies to anyone who was experiencing problems.
I missed it. Can I watch it online?
Why yes, you can. Footage will be here, on the CEM youtube channel, but we’re having technical difficulties. We recorded with permission and after everyone present had introduced themselves.
When is the next one?
Tuesday 1st September, 8pm (avoiding our usual Monday evening slot, because it is bank holiday).
The one after that will be Monday 5th October (diaries out!)
Please do join us, and if there is an item you would like adding to the agenda please do get in touch contact@climateemergencymanchester.net