Over the last week we’ve collected 60 fresh signatures, with a pleasing mix of both paper and online. At the time of writing we are just ONE tantalising signature away from 500 online. WILL THIS BE YOU?
With just over one month to go, your support is now critical to get us to our target of 4000 by 10th November,
So how you can help? Our message remains, #sign #share #join
Sign the petition – here. It’s open to all ages!
Share the petition – tell a friend who lives or works or studies in Manchester to sign. Then tell the world you have signed by retweeting, making a video, or sticking a poster in your window (and sending us a photo).
Join – and if you can help out a little bit more, let us know. We have a list of interesting jobs, many of which can be done in less than one hour.
The single point of contact for all this is contact@climateemergencymanchester.net
We created some real momentum and learned a lot last week. The notable successes were:
- A great turnout at the Great Northern Makers’ market (and a good time had by all). See our blog post with more details. Do you know of any other markets or similar events coming up? We’d love to be there.
- Getting creative – and coordinating the design of some VERY eye-catching posters and flyers. Watch. This. Space.
- Securing a number of new drop-off points for signature sheets, at some of the friendliest venues in Manchester. This means that you can take a signature sheet – which you can print out here – to one of the following locations. We pick up from these spots at regular intervals.
- Patagonia: King Street
- Bud Garden Centre, Burnage
- *NEW* Cranks Coffee, Alexandra Park
- *NEW* Lentils and Lather, Burton Road
More drop off points coming soon. The signature sheet does not have to be full to take to a drop off point (but the more signatures, the better – obvs!). And if you have a signature sheet but cannot get to any of these places, just email us contact@climateemerencymancester.net and we will come and collectt
We’ve are also always trying out new things. This week we tried:
- Working with the lovely QuaysTV. Brilliant to see the next generation of journalists getting stuck into local democracy.
- Chatting with equally lovely folk from Big Issue North.
- Sandwich boards at the Great Northern Markers Market (static, not on us and nicely designed)
In the coming week, the things we are going to try to:
- Distribute flyers and posters. We hope you like the superb design.
- Blitz social media on 7th October. Aforementioned ace designs will feature.
- Work with student societies at the Universities.
If you want to get more involved, the Petition Taskforce meets online every Friday, at 3.30pm for an hour long meeting that tries to think creatively and strategically about getting more signatures saely.
But you don’t have to come to meetings to be involved – we have lots of other tasks. Next week, we are looking for volunteers to distribute flyers and posters in their neighbourhood. If you want to combine climate action with your daily walk / a take out coffee, get in touch.
Basic facts:
In July 2019 Manchester City Council declared a climate emergency.
At the moment climate action gets very little real scrutiny. This means mistakes are buried, missed targets are not reported on, etc.
In the last 2 years the City burned ¼ of its entire carbon budget for the 21st century.
If we get 4000 signatures from people who live, work or study in Manchester City Council’s boundaries, there will be a debate in full council (where all 96 councillors are together) about setting up a seventh scrutiny committee.
We have until November 10th