Dar and Doswells demands for detail deliberately derailed during debate. Stop me if you’ve heard this one before: a couple…
Juan Villanueva, who runs The Green Bee website, reports from the last scrutiny meeting of Manchester City Council before the…
We knew this was going to be an unusual Neighbourhoods and Environment Scrutiny Committee. The agenda had caused a double…
The core demand of Climate Emergency Manchester’s petition (now closed – thanks to all who signed and got others to…
What the hell does that title mean? Well, Climate Emergency Manchester is going to start (1) scrutinising the scrutiny process. …
Possibly the least enticing blog post headline of all time, but this stuff matters, no matter how you (don’t) dress…
You are invited to attend the next meeting of Climate Emergency Manchester. It is this Wednesday, 17th July, from 1pm…
Manchester City Council has just declared a climate emergency. The motion was good (you can see an annotated version of…
Manchester City Council has 96 councillors. There is a ten member Executive which is responsible for policy. There are six…