Another busy one for CEM, we started the week with a petition update, the exciting news being that we were over 10% of the way to the target (at time of writing this blog we are now past 600).
CEM also published another briefing paper, this time on the “lack of pathway” (in plain English – how the heck is this going to actually get done) in MCC’s Zero Carbon Framework and 2020-2025 action plan, laying out some key questions on where we go from here.
And we launched a competition to get someone to write a proper speech about the challenges, and maybe even the benefits, of taking urgent action on the climate and ecological crises facing the city and surrounding areas.
Turning away from the Council, we were very pleased to publish an interview with Kate Metcalf, Co-Director of the Women’s Environmental Network, on why Climate Change is a Feminist Issue.
Finally we finished the week with Chloe Jeffries’ report from the March Neighbourhood and Environment Scrutiny Committee meeting. I shan’t try to steal Chloe’s thunder here, but suffice it to say, the need for close and relentless scrutiny of MCC’s activities (or lack thereof) in this area has not gone away.
CEM Week in Review attempts to summarise and clarify what CEM’s been up to, and other relevant major events in the Manchester, UK or even global fight for a socially and ecologically just move towards a zero carbon society.