- COVID-19 has caused enormous physical and mental hardship. The full economic horror is yet to hit, but you can see it from here.
- Local authorities like Manchester are positioning themselves to come “out” of the crisis by trying to get central government in London to give a damn about the provinces.
- They are telling everyone (and themselves) a lot of soothing stories about “new economic narratives.”
- There was a report and an oral presentation about this at yesterday’s ESC
- On Monday, to celebrate a bank holiday we (with Steady State Manchester and Green New Deal podcast) produced a briefing paper which was a critique of the report and its claims. We, sent it to all the councillors on the committee. We also asked permission to speak at the committee (it’s all online) but were not given that permission.
- We predicted that the oral reports on the day would be vacuous.
We are going to get a presentation about it now. #LuckyUs.
Will it be the same tired “inward investment at all costs” bromides? Certainly some #usualsuspects presenting…https://t.co/YvUYZ8tE6Q
— Climate Emergency Manchester (@ClimateEmergMcr) September 3, 2020
brexit, geopolitical crisis “Climate crisis that is enveloping us” blah blah.
Nothing that a tolerably intelligent group of 16 year olds coming up with. How much did they PAY for this???
“partnership on the journey”.
Manchester as posterchild
Do I win the buzzword bingo???— Climate Emergency Manchester (@ClimateEmergMcr) September 3, 2020
Yeah, because we will DEFINITELY have a new economic narrative that deals with the climate emergency.#Manchester‘s “thinkers” are definitely on it. Oh yes.#EconomyScrutinyCommittee pic.twitter.com/8o6ctNG1Uk
— Climate Emergency Manchester (@ClimateEmergMcr) September 3, 2020

1112 Now Luke Raikes asking who the audience is for this?
Governments get a lot of these sorts of strategies, narratives from all the country. What is *UNIQUE* about #Manchester‘s document??#EconomyScrutinyCommittee
— Climate Emergency Manchester (@ClimateEmergMcr) September 3, 2020
Dear Sir/Madam,with regard to the report and presentation about a “new economic narrative” at Economy Scrutiny Committee on 3 September 2020.1. Please provide the documentation about how this contract was created – adverts, tender documents, or was it just dished out without any advert etc excluding outfits like CLES.2. Was any consideration given to doing this “in house” -to save money, or was it simply considered that the council no longer has the capacity to do this kind of thinking3. How much money was dished out to the two consultancies to produce this wonderful world-leading work?Please consider this a request under the Freedom of Information Act 2000
- Scrutiny can be done well, if you have councillors willing to brave the (potential/actual) wrath of those currently in power.
- There is no “new” narrative, just the same (expensively) warmed over bromides from (some people’s) glory days of the 1990s.
- There is an urgent need for real scrutiny and (yeah, look, you knew this was coming) everyone should sign the petition for a seventh scrutiny committee devoted to climate change. We cannot get the signatures without a bigger team helping us. We are forming that team now. If you want to be involved (and don’t worry, it’s not like we are asking for a 24/7, 2 month commitment), email us on contact@climateemergencymanchester.net
1 thought on ““New” “economic” “narrative” – at what cost, for what point? Economy Scrutiny Committee grills #Manchester leaders”