Greetings of the new year.
If you have things that you think should be in our Monday bulletin, please email us on
Climate Emergency Manchester news
Last week we released our latest “Hung Drawn and Quarterly” report about the City Council’s (in)activity on its climate promises.
Tonight (January 11th) we have a short online meeting (8pm to 845) for anyone who wants to know more about what we do, meet other people, say what they are up to, ask questions etc. Email us for the log-in details. If you can’t make the meeting, but want to get involved, email us telling us a bit about yourself and the sorts of things you’d be up for doing.
Council news
On Wednesday 13th,at 2pm Neighbourhoods and Environment Scrutiny Committee meets. Yet again, it does not have any item about the climate change policy debacles in this city (fun fact – last July it was revealed that the city has burnt through a quarter of its carbon budget for the entire 21st century in the last two years alone. The response – a collective shoulder shrug). The NESC does however have a report about “progress” on the “Green and Blue Infrastructure Strategy.”
On Thursday 14th, at 2pm, Communities and Inequalities Scrutiny Committee meets. Among other things it will discuss an update to the Parks Strategy.
Links and snark about these committee meetings (and the other four committees) to be found here.
Other groups
Monday 11th January (tonight) XR Manchester has an online meeting, at 6pm – Tweet at them @xr_mcr for details
Dates for your diary
Thursday February 4th – Manchester Art Gallery climate event
Tuesday February 9th, 10am – Resources and Governance Scrutiny Committee discusses CEM’s petition for a seventh scrutiny committee
Thursday May 6th – Local Elections.