If you have things that you think should be in our Monday bulletin, please email us on contact@climateemergencymanchester.net
Climate Emergency Manchester news
The open letter, signed by a whole bunch of organisations, calling on Manchester City Council to institute the strongest possible climate scrutiny. is about to get a bunch of new signatories – watch this space…
(See also CEM’s four page briefing about how the new Climate Emergency Scrutiny Committee could function as a vital node in Manchester’s climate response.) And we have a new video about what has to be on the remit.
Watch this 1 minute video.
Please send it to your councillors.
Please send it to your friends, asking them to send it to their councillors. pic.twitter.com/OIeEOHb3Fb— Climate Emergency Manchester (@ClimateEmergMcr) March 15, 2021
We urge you to write to your councillors and to Council leader Richard Leese. And please ask your friends to write too!
If you want to get involved in what we do – and you don’t need to be an “expert” in anything – please do get in touch via contact@climateemergencymanchester.net
Council news
Last week the six scrutiny committees met, Tuesday to Thursday, at 10am and 2pm slots. Once again, Team SF (“Scrutiny Fabulous”) did a great job in giving summaries/detailed accounts of what was said, what was not said etc. For a summary of summaries, see Chloe Jeffries’ post here.
This week sees meetings of the Schools Forum (4pm, Monday) and the Health and Wellbeing Board (Wednesday 10am).
Dates for your diary
- Weds 24th-ish March – recommendations which are going to Constitution and Nominations will be released. We will see what is being recommended….
- Wednesday 31 March, 10am – meeting of Full Council, where proposals for massively improved climate scrutiny may be a) presented and b) agreed.
- Thursday 1st April, 5.30-7pm Mayoral Hustings on Climate Change Register via Eventbrite.
- Tuesday 6th April, 8.30pm-915pm, next monthly meeting of Climate Emergency Manchester – and launch of a new report. Email us for log in details – contact@climateemergencymanchester.net