Team SF needs YOU. If you have an hour a month, or an hour a day or anything in between…. #democracy

We need your time, energy, ideas, intelligence.  We need you to join a growing number of Manchester citizens who are part of “Team SF”…

Team SF is there to report on (and influence?!) how Manchester City Council looks at what is (and is not) being done on climate change, environmental and social justice issues in the city.

Since January this year, a team of volunteers has been “attending” (which, given the pandemic, has meant watching online) meetings of the Council’s six scrutiny committees, and a couple of others. They’ve produced super-detailed blog posts.

Here’s a table of what’s been done

Resources and Governancereportreportreport
Children and Young Peoplereportreportreport
Neighbourhoods and Environmentreportreport 1,
report 2
Communities and Equalitiesreportreportreport
Art Galleries report
Constitution and Nominationsreport

From May there are more meetings, and a “new” (i.e. re-branded) scrutiny committee called “Environment and Climate Change.”

We want Team SF to expand in its skills, its coverage and its impact. Whether you have an hour a month for some tweeting or proof-reading, or an hour a day for some detailed research, making of infographics, or something in between (and it does not have to be regular), we’d love to hear from you.

Email us on

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